Quiz: This Week on ‘For the Record’

Think you're up-to-date on the latest in Spotify news, data, and trends? Take our quiz to test just how well you’ve been following along.

1. The new Summer Breakouts playlist is made up of tracks that Spotify’s editorial experts predict will pop off this summer. How often is this playlist updated?
1. How many hours have listeners streamed Spotify’s most popular and influential playlist, Today’s Top Hits?
2. Boza is the latest artist to join the U.S. roster for our emerging talent program, RADAR. However, this isn’t the first time that the Panamanian singer has been picked to be a RADAR artist. In 2020, Boza was part of RADAR in what region?
3. Spotify announced a new podcast network, The Unbothered Network, in partnership with a creator. Which podcaster is at the helm?
4. New Spotify original podcast “Proxima Parada” brings its listeners daily news from the outskirts, or “quebradas,” of São Paulo, Brazil. When does the podcast premiere?